We are, Modern Day Survivors!
We have bought and sold the idea that we are victims.
Made to feel, less than, in a world that has become Harsh and Cold.
We are standing together, in this reality of selfishness and greed, to say, NO MORE! We are survivors and will survive those that would do us harm!
Becoming Aware, of the, Corrupt Culture, is empowering us to move beyond the propaganda and manipulations perpetrated on the Human Race!
Join us, be a voice and assist others in healing from the lies and abuse!
#ModernDaySurvivors #AliveInFaith #InGodWeTrust

We believe when we embrace who we are,
we can redefine the future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
To be the voice, for the voice less, to offer a hand up, instead of a hand out. To assist others in healing from the Victim Mentality.
To spread knowledge of the unlimited possibilities afforded us.
#ModernDaySurvivors #TogetherWeAreStronger

Our Vision
To re-ignite the passion and prosperity, living in a world that is not lacking but rather edifying for all.