1- Why are there Egyptian pyramids on American dollar bills?
2- Why did 56 countries sign a treaty to not venture into Antarctica?
3- Why are planes not allowed to fly over Antarctica?
4- How did NASA lose the lunar landing footage, probably one of the most important moments for humanity?
5- If Neil Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon, who was holding the camera?
6- Why did we never go back to the moon?
7- Why are there so many lies around the space program?
8- How do folks not see and feel the waves of programming coming off of their televisions? Why are people so numb?!!
9- How were sacred, huge and geometrically solid structures such as cathedrals and parliamentary buildings created by people who lived in wooden huts, rode in horse-drawn carriages and had neither machines nor lasers?
10- Why is every single election fake, rigged, and corrupt for the highest of offices, and the population does nothing to change this?
11- Why are there so many images in ancient Egyptian art that seem to represent spaceships?
12- Why are remains and images of giant human beings found, such as the WALL SIZED FOOTPRINT embedded in rock in South Africa? And why is there talk of giants in several ancient writings of distant cultures, including the Bible?
13- Why are most cultures so ignorant and blind to the fact that Indigenous cultures all around the planet, have many of the same teachings when it comes to respecting and nurturing Mother Earth- and they have never met (I'm talking long before internet)?
14- How is it that so many people who have actual children and grandchildren care so little for the next generations of children when it comes to destroying resources, and crapping all over our forests and oceans? Can they not recognize and see how vital and important the teachings from Indigenous elders are on the NEXT GENERATIONS to come? Where are their actual brain cells?
15- Why do some ancient Egyptian works of art represent pine trees and - is it a coincidence that even the pineal gland looks like a pine tree?
16- Why are there depictions of dragons all over the world and in different cultures, thousands of years apart -- and is also mentioned in the Bible, many place before the internet existed?
17- Why is there so much demonic symbolism in the music and entertainment industry? WHY? Why does no one read the lyrics or open their EYEBALLS?
18- Why do most video games revolve around killing-- and why does no one care that so many humans are becoming so addicted that they can not function in society?
19- How is it possible that movies and cartoons like The Simpsons were able to predict specific cultural events with such detail and accuracy?
20- How do forest fires melt cars leaving trees intact?
21- Why are schools getting worse instead of better? Why are more books being banned NOW?
22- How is it that the so-called "public debt" is increasing despite increasing taxes? Where is the taxpayer money going?
23- Why is there so much adversity and advertising around drinking and driving, but no one cares, notices, or makes a decent sobriety test for all the folks driving around high as a kite?
24- How do news anchors from all over the world and on different channels say and repeat the same scenario - using the exact same words?
25- Why are there so many people who are brainwashed about religion, after all the piles of evidence that these are all fake institutions, that do not care for the unhoused or hungry? NO one cares about how filthy rich these places are, and they just KEEP GOING to these churches and even giving them money, time and reverence????? LIKE, REALLY?????
Personal note from me, Adam, regarding this post's connection to the FE psyop:
The shape of our planet does matter, actually, because one perspecctive on it is observable and navegable, empowering us to understand our world and how to interact with it and the other is deliberately fabricated confusion meant to divide & disempower. But regardless, there is definitely some fishy stuff going on in Antarctica that also has to do with some deep earth mysteries about things we ARE being lied to about
That being said, still lots of valid questions posed here!!
****Copied and pasted and shared***
Rev Sheri here,
One word, controlled.
One question I’ve always asked is, how do those demons get in after clearing the person place or thing?
What I found out is more horrifying than anything I’ve ever seen.
A plan of such deception as to keep us wondering but never able to see.
Until we see and then it’s all over for them.
We are at that point now so hold on tight, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride but so worth the next reality.
DOD Directive 3000.09
One word, controlled.
One question I’ve always asked is, how do those demons get in after clearing the person place or thing?
What I found out is more horrifying than anything I’ve ever seen.
A plan of such deception as to keep us wondering but never able to see.