We have been given a new Directive, time to start spreading the good news!
No matter what this life has thrown at us, we have Survived!
Lied to, mistreated, used and abused has been the theme, well no more!
We demand transparency in our lives. We will no longer accept the, status quo, explanations containing lies will no longer be tolerated.
History has shown that our planet has been infiltrated by Evil doers/
Call them what you want, Demons, Fallen Angels, Satan, Baal, no matter the label, they are all Evil incarnate and have ruled this planet far to long!
I have seen with my own eyes, this Evil presence, move in and out of those abusing me. It has given me the ability to stop playing the "Blame" game, the loop of, Hell on Earth, to move past those that would keep me down. Beyond the victim mentality and moved into a compassionate will to heal and be healed.
Getting off, the slavery plantation, created by those that think they are in control of this World.
We did not create it but must learn to maneuver through it, to realeyes our potentials!
Join us in our quest to heal the past, in order to establish a healthy future for all mankind!
We will be Broadcasting, LIVE on FB, YouTube and Blog Talk Radio. Link will be posted as we bring you healing energies, via, ways to defeat the propaganda and programing, stories of the Human Condition, and how others are coping in this backwards world.
To Be Aware, No Fear, No Hesitation, gaining knowledge along the way, is our only hope for Survival!
Please click on the link and join us,