Handfasting Ceremony
Dearly Beloved and Honored Guests, We are gathered here this day in the sight of God and the company assembled to witness the giving and receiving of the marriage vows and the sacred bond between Bride and Groom.
Marriage is an institution ordained by God and is not to be entered into lightly or in jest and only after much consideration.
Bride and Groom, know now before you go further,
that since your lives have crossed in this life,
you have formed eternal and sacred bonds.
As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive
to make real the ideals that to you, give meaning in this ceremony
and to the institution of marriage.
With full awareness, know that within this circle
you are not only declaring your intent to be hand fasted before your friends and family,
but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers.
The promises made today and the ties that are bound here
greatly strengthen your union and will cross the years and lives of each soul’s growth.
Do you still seek to enter this ceremony?
If so, then declare it by saying, Yes, We Do!
We will now be Invoking The Four Directions
In many cultures it is believed that the human soul shares characteristics with all things divine.
It is this belief which assigned virtues to the four cardinal directions;
East, South, West and North.
It is according to this belief that we align ourselves with these elements.
Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes
those things which will help you build a happy and successful union.
[Guests please join us and stand and face the four directions with us]
Turning to the East now,
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East and the element of Air,
for openness and breath, communication of the heart, and purity of the mind and body.
From the east you receive the gift of a new beginning with the rising of each Sun, and the understanding that
each day is a new opportunity for growth. (ring bell)
Turning to the South now, Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South and the element of fire,for
energy, passion, creativity and the warmth of a loving home.
From the fire within you generate light, which you will share with one another in even the darkest of times.
(Light candles)
Turning to the West now, Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West, the element of water, for your
capacity to feel emotion.
In marriage you offer absolute trust to one another, and vow to keep your hearts open in sorrow as well as
joy. (baptise heads with water)
Turning to the North now, Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North, the element of earth, which
provides sustenance, fertility and security.
The earth will feed and enrich you, and help you to build a stable home to which you may always return.
(anoint with oil)
[guests may be seated]
Binding Of Hands
Bride and Groom, I bid you look into each others eyes.
Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that honor?
If so, then say, We will [the first cord is draped over the couple's’ hands]
And so the first binding is made.
Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it? If so, then say, We will [Second cord is draped over the hands]
And so the binding is made
Will you share the burdens of each, so that your spirits may grow in this union?
If so, then say, We will [third cord is draped over the couple's’ hands]
And so the binding is made.
Will you share each other’s laughter, and look for the brightness in life
and the positive in each other?
If so, then say, We will. [forth cord is draped over the couple's’ hands]
And so the binding is made.
[B&G Tie cords together]
Bride and Groom, as your hands are bound together now,
so your lives and spirits are joined in a union of love and trust.
Above you are the stars and below you is the earth.
Like the stars your love should be a constant source of light,
and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow.
Ring Exchange
With the bond made, Bride and Groom will now exchange rings (take rings from Ring Holder)
Let us Pray,
Father, Mother, Creator Source, let it be known on this day, we ask your blessing over this couple, we ask you to bless this union and to acknowledge the love that is shared in your presence, we ask that you show your light thru them and keep them flowing in the love they share with one another, as in you.
May you Bless the symbol of this union by invoking the thread of your love within the circle of their bond, within these rings. Understanding, the wedding ring is a symbol of unity, a circle unbroken, without beginning or end. And today, Bride and Groom, give and receive these rings as demonstrations of their vows to make their life one, to work at all times to create a love that is whole and unbroken, and to love each other without end. We pray you hear and honor this commitment, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen
Bride, take this ring and place it on your groom’s finger and state your pledge to him, repeating after me “This ring I give as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love.”
Groom, take this ring and place it on your bride’s finger and state your pledge to her, repeating after me “This ring I give as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love.”
Groom and Bride, just as two very different threads woven in opposite directions can form a beautiful tapestry, so can your two lives merge together to form a very beautiful marriage. To make your marriage work will take love. Love should be the core of your marriage, love is the reason you are here. But it also will take trust- to know in your hearts you want the best for each other. It will take dedication- to stay open to one another; to learn and to grow together even when this is not always so easy to do. It will take faith, to be willing to go forward to tomorrow, never really knowing what tomorrow will bring. In addition, it will take commitment, to hold true to the journey, you both now pledge to share together.
Groom and Bride, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, I now declare you to be Husband and Wife. Congratulations, you may now seal this bond with a kiss.
It is now my honor to present to you all, _________________________
Ring Ceremony
Dearly Beloved and Honored Guests, We are gathered here this day in the sight of God and the company assembled to witness the giving and receiving of the marriage vows and the sacred bond between Bride and Groom.
Marriage is an institution ordained by God and is not to be entered into lightly or in jest and only after much consideration.
Bride and Groom, know now before you go further,
that since your lives have crossed in this life,
you have formed eternal and sacred bonds.
As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive
to make real the ideals that to you, give meaning in this ceremony
and to the institution of marriage.
With full awareness, know that within this circle
you are not only declaring your intent to become one before your friends and family,
but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers.
The promises made today and the ties that are bound here
greatly strengthen your union and will cross the years and lives of each soul’s growth.
Do you still seek to enter this ceremony?
If so, then declare it by saying, Yes, We Do!
With the bond made, Bride and Groom will now exchange rings (take rings from ring holder)
Let us Pray,
Father, Mother, Creator Source, let it be known on this day, we ask your blessing over this couple, we ask you to bless this union and to acknowledge the love that is shared in your presence, we ask that you show your light thru them and keep them flowing in the love they share with one another, as in you.
May you Bless the symbol of this union by invoking the thread of your love within the circle of their bond, within these rings. Understanding, the wedding ring is a symbol of unity, a circle unbroken, without beginning or end. And today, Groom and Bride give and receive these rings as demonstrations of their vows to make their life one, to work at all times to create a love that is whole and unbroken, and to love each other without end. We pray you hear and honor this commitment, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen
Bride, take this ring and place it on your groom’s finger and state your pledge to him, repeating after me “This ring I give as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love.”
Groom, take this ring and place it on your bride’s finger and state your pledge to her, repeating after me “This ring I give as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love.”
Groom and Bride, just as two very different threads woven in opposite directions can form a beautiful tapestry, so can your two lives merge together to form a very beautiful marriage. To make your marriage work will take love. Love should be the core of your marriage, love is the reason you are here. But it also will take trust- to know in your hearts you want the best for each other. It will take dedication- to stay open to one another; to learn and to grow together even when this is not always so easy to do. It will take faith, to be willing to go forward to tomorrow, never really knowing what tomorrow will bring. In addition, it will take commitment, to hold true to the journey, you both now pledge to share together.
Groom and Bride, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, I now declare you to be Husband and Wife. Congratulations, you may now seal this bond with a kiss.
It is now my honor to present to you all, _________________________